Part 2 (continued): 
Partnering with Registered Apprenticeship

Now you know what Registered Apprenticeship is, but what does it mean to partner with RA?  Check out this short flyer that describes partnering with Registered Apprenticeship.

In order to help you think about how you can partner with Registered Apprenticeship, let's think about the Registered Apprenticeship model for training workers. Here is a Gliffy model that shows a very basic model of how the Registered Apprenticeship system trains workers.  (Tip: Scroll down to the bottom of the model and use the slider bar to see the entire diagram). 

Great!  Hopefully now you fully understand the Registered Apprenticeship training model, and you're forming some ideas about how your organization can partner with RA.  Now, we're going to use the model that you created of your organization's current skills training process, and compare it to the Registered Apprenticeship model for skills training, to help you think of some clear opportunities for partnership.  Click "Next" to continue.