Part 3 (continued):  Talking About Partnerships

Now that you've mapped your partnership opportunities and made a list of clear next steps for getting started on those opportunities, it's time to share your success with your peers!  Click "Save" on your map, then click "Blog and Share This Diagram" so we can get a URL link to share. 
In the "Publish Document" window that appears, click the radio button (dot) next to "Make Public" so that others can view your model when you send them the link.  Then, copy the link to your model's web page (highlight it and copy it to your clipboard, or write it down).
Now that you have the link to your model, let's post it on the Registered Apprenticeship Community of Practice so that others can see your great work!  Here's how:
  1. Go to the Partnership Models discussion thread on the Registered Apprenticeship Community of Practice.
  2. Click "Reply" and when prompted, enter your Workforce3One username and password to login to the Community (so you can post to it). 
  3. Type or paste the link to your model into the "Post" box.  Along with your link, we encourage you to write a brief paragraph about what you've learned, what your next steps will be, and write any questions or needs for help that you might have. 
  4. Click "Submit Your Post" to send your link to the Community!
  5. Browse, view, and comment on others' models to see what great partnerships ideas you can learn from your peers. 
If you're not comfortable posting your model link publicly (or if you're having difficulty doing so), please submit it privately to the creators of this course  so we can gauge whether this course is effective at helping learners envision and create partnerships with RA.  Just paste the link to your model in the "Comment" field of the form below; the "Name" and "Email" fields are optional. 

    Share your Model

EXCELLENT WORK!  You are well on your way to improving your organization's process for obtaining skilled workers, and you have just taken the first giant steps towards making partnerships with Registered Apprenticeship a reality. Click "Next" to continue.